
#1 Intro & Outro Video Maker

Add an attention-grabbing intro and a memorable outro to any video. Make your content feel professional all the way through.

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Why do you need a stylized intro and outro video?

Consistent branding is key to success on YouTube. Viewers should recognize your videos from the moment they start watching. Creating an engaging intro will capture their attention, while the outro will help you sign off and include calls to action.

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How to create a sleek intro or outro video

  1. Upload photos or videos to Animoto’s video editor
  2. Add visual effects and branding elements.
  3. Create messaging that compels people to act. Add your contact details for a faster response
  4. Publish and upload your intro and outros sequences to all your future videos

Make a video in minutes

Create and share videos for free. Upgrade anytime for more customization.

We want to help make amazing videos

As you create your videos, we're here to help along the way! Get started with Animoto and join others just like you in The Animoto Social Video Marketing Community on Facebook. Our team of video experts is ready to help you grow with tips, ideas, inspiration, and feedback on your videos.